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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Rucki

Nidaros Desecration - De Spectris Peccatum

Paraguay isn't usually mentioned in the discussion of metal music on the global scale, not even when discussing bands hailing from South America, we mostly hear of Sepultura and Sarcofago (and even then, both of these bands come from Brazil). It's because of this oversight that (probably) many of us didn't hear of Nidaros Desecration's 2018 release, De Spectris Peccatum, released through Escafismo Records in Barcelona, Spain. Nidaros Desecration is a five-piece act that offers an epic, dramatic, and vicious form of death metal mixed with the attitude of thrash metal, and black metal-tinged vocals.

De Spectris Peccatum is a mixed bag of different styles all merging together into one unholy being. The album feels like genuine old school death metal from the late 80s/early 90s, while simultaneously possessing a new school sound with their melding of existing sounds and genres. The guitars and drums remind me of albums like Reign in Blood and Scream Bloody Gore with their speed and hints of technicality without the technical playing overtaking the experience, everything feels incredibly well balanced. The bass guitar tone feels dirty and reminds me of some of the newer Cannibal Corpse records, I wish it was more up front in the mix to add some extra grime to the overall sound of this record. The vocals are what's truly bringing something new to the table (to my ears at least), the vocal performance on this album is so fucking energetic, the lyrics at times being forced through clenched teeth. The vocals feel like a cross between Necrowretch in their ravenous, black/death metal delivery and Creeping Death in their dominant mid-to-high range sound with the occasional low growl that sends the song into a spiraling guitar solo or a pummeling Hammer Smashed Face-style riff.

Death metal is usually described as a very blunt style of metal music, like being hit with a sledgehammer. This band, however slices you like a dagger that was found in an ancient sacrificial chamber, which is fitting for the atmosphere and lyrical content this album has to offer. Between the deathly album cover, the ominous usage of choir vocals on songs like "Dionysus" and "Sons of the Jackal", and the echoing castle corridor-like atmosphere, this album feels like you've stumbled upon some archaic ritual summoning performed by a clergy of the undead.

I only came across this album recently because it was released on bandcamp this week by the label (despite being out for 2 years now on CD format) and I happened to be perusing the "recently released death metal" section, and I'm so thankful I found this album and I think you will be too if you give it a listen. My only critique of this album is that, at times, the production can bury the snare drum a little bit and muffles the guitar at key parts where I feel the song loses the aggressive bite it needed in that moment. Overall this album is climactic, apocalyptic and dramatic as hell (you'll know what I mean when you hear those vocals), and I love it more with each listen, definitely a hidden gem that I hope gets the praise and recognition it deserves.

Artist: Nidaros Desecration

Album: De Spectris Peccatum

Label: Escafismo Records

Rating: 7/10

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